Advantages of Getting Solar Panels at Home
Solar power is a renewable energy that can be obtained from the sun and is available to everyone. Due to the advancements in technology; we can utilize available free energy and effortlessly convert it into electricity and make use of its benefits, which are:

Eliminate Your the Energy Bill
When you generate your own energy from solar panels, it means that you will require less amount of electricity from the supplier. Therefore, you automatically save on your electricity bill by consuming less and less.
Another way to make your solar investments count is by selling the extra unused electricity that you are producing, making your green investments more beneficial. In the end, the more energy you'll produce using the solar panel, the lesser you'll need from the supplier, ultimately increasing your self-reliant energy production!

Greater the Sunshine, Greater the Solar Energy
Solar energy is available free everywhere. Solar power doesn’t require any fuel or ongoing maintenance. Once solar panels are installed, solar panels keep generating power from the sunlight and delivers to our home first and remaining export to grid which provides the credit to the electric bill.
The solar panels come with a warranty of 25 years but have a life expectancy of more than 40 years.

Eco-Friendly System
When it comes to using fossil fuels and other minerals for energy, they are burned to obtain the energy. A solar system requires no mining of raw material; therefore it does not result in the demolition of any forests or eco-systems that happens in fossil fuel burning. Solar Panels are considered as Eco-Friendly Renewable Energy Solution.

Micro Grid Solution.
Microgrid system -Solar Power plus storage and cogeneration to have behind the meter power outage free solution. At SolarZone, we provide customized solution based on needs of our clients.